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Hybrid Classes

Hybrid Classes at IH Manchester

At IH Manchester your group class may be taught in a hybrid format.

This is where some students are in the classroom and some are participating in the same class online via Zoom. 

hybrid classes at IH Manchester

There is a large TV screen in class showing the online students on Zoom and when they speak, the students in class hear their voices through speakers. We use video cameras and microphones in the classroom to allow online students to see and hear their teacher and in-school classmates. Class materials and the whiteboard are shared on Zoom and shown in class on a projector. 

How does this affect my class in school in Manchester?

You will have classmates joining you online from all over the world. You will be able to see and hear them and interact with them in the class.

Hybrid Class In School View

How does this affect my online class?

As well as seeing other online students on your Zoom screen, you will also interact with students and a teacher in a real classroom in Manchester. 

Hybrid Class Online View

hybrid student view